1 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Semi, Freehold
Date | Price |
09/03/2012 | £249500 |
10/08/2004 | £231500 |
04/02/2000 | £127950 |
2 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
28/10/2021 | £255000 |
26/05/2000 | £102950 |
3 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
18/05/2005 | £241500 |
11/02/2000 | £125950 |
4 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
19/05/2000 | £101950 |
5 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
12/12/2008 | £310000 |
17/03/2000 | £176950 |
6 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
12/12/2008 | £170000 |
31/10/2008 | £175000 |
03/02/2006 | £174000 |
19/05/2000 | £102950 |
7 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
24/03/2000 | £178950 |
8 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
23/08/2005 | £155500 |
31/07/2000 | £89250 |
9 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
13/12/2019 | £449000 |
13/05/2014 | £355000 |
26/08/2004 | £295000 |
27/03/2002 | £220000 |
14/04/2000 | £181950 |
10 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
03/08/2007 | £175000 |
23/08/2000 | £87550 |
11 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
24/03/2000 | £128950 |
12 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
01/09/2000 | £87550 |
14 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
26/01/2021 | £280000 |
04/05/2018 | £242000 |
28/02/2011 | £157250 |
30/07/2004 | £145000 |
21/07/2000 | £89250 |
15 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
22/05/2017 | £580000 |
31/03/2000 | £267950 |
16 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Semi, Freehold
Date | Price |
14/05/2021 | £323000 |
12/10/2018 | £275000 |
08/08/2002 | £157500 |
31/07/2001 | £141500 |
05/05/2000 | £119950 |
17 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
31/03/2000 | £187950 |
18 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Semi, Freehold
Date | Price |
07/10/2019 | £315000 |
25/06/2004 | £205000 |
25/06/2004 | £195000 |
28/04/2000 | £118950 |
19 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
15/10/2004 | £315000 |
17/08/2001 | £216000 |
31/03/2000 | £180950 |
20 Eborne croft, Balsall common, Coventry, CV7 7RF Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
20/04/2000 | £131950 |
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.