EH52 6FG postcode was first in introduced in November 2020. EH52 6FG is located within the Livingston Travel To Work Area. NHS Services in this postcode are provided by the West Lothian Community Health and Care Partnership Primary Care Trust. EH52 6FG is located within the Parsh / community of (pseudo) Scotland (non-National Park). The 2011 Census Output Area for this postcode is classified as 'Rural residents, Farming communities, Agricultural communities'. EH52 6FG has an Index of Multiple Deprivation of 5368.

Deprivation Index

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a UK measure that ranks areas based on multiple indicators of deprivation such as income, employment, health, education, housing, crime, and access to services. The IMD informs decisions and helps allocate resources to reduce poverty and improve life chances.

The lower the score (out of 6976 in Scotland), the more deprived the postcode.

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0

Internet Speeds

Internet speeds available via a landline, cable or FTTP

Max Download

Max Upload

Median Download

Median Upload

Average Download

Average Upload

Source: Ofcom Connected Nations 2023. Contains information licensed by the Office of Communications.

ONS Codes

Country Scotland S92000003
Electoral Division Broxburn, Uphall and Winchburgh S13002821
Local Authority District West Lothian S12000040
Parish or Community (pseudo) Scotland (non-National Park) S99999999
Urban/Rural Indicator (Scotland) Accessible Rural 6
NHS Region (pseudo) Scotland (non-National Park) S99999999
Region (pseudo) Scotland (non-National Park) S99999999
Constituency Livingston S14000044
Travel To Work Area Livingston S22000070
Primary Care Trust West Lothian Community Health and Care Partnership S03000035
Census 2011 LSOA Winchburgh, Bridgend and Philpstoun - 03 S01013455
Census 2011 MSOA Winchburgh, Bridgend and Philpstoun S02002510
Builtup Area (pseudo) Scotland (non-National Park) S99999999
Builtup Area Sub Division (pseudo) Scotland (non-National Park) S99999999
Sub-ICB Location West Lothian Community Health and Care Partnership S03000035
Police Force Area Scotland S23000009
Cancer Alliance (pseudo) Scotland (non-National Park) S99999999
Integrated Care Board (pseudo) Scotland (non-National Park) S99999999
Local Learning And Skills Region East of Scotland S09000002
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2022
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2022
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0


Latitude 55.963695
Longitude -3.475474
Easting 307991
Northing 675504
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2022

Train Stations

Station Name Distance
Uphall 3.20 Miles
Dalmeny 3.95 Miles
Edinburgh Airport 4.09 Miles
North Queensferry 4.61 Miles
Linlithgow 4.73 Miles
Source: Trainline EU - licensed under The Open Database License (ODbL)

Bus Stops

Stop Name Location Distance
Glendevon Garage Winchburgh 0.20 Miles
Glendevon Winchburgh 0.22 Miles
Tippetknowes Estate Winchburgh 0.25 Miles
Millgate Winchburgh 0.43 Miles
Source: NaPTAN. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.


This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Food Services

This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.