Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS

Arboretum place is a street located in Barking, with a postcode of IG11 7PS. There have been 158 property transactions in this postcode since 1995, with 93 unique properties. The most common property type in this street is flat. The most recent sale was on Friday, 30 July 2021 at BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place which sold for £180001. The average broadband download speed is 69.20 mbps. There are 10 nearby train stations, 10 nearby bus stops and 12 nearby schools. IG11 7PS postcode was first in introduced in February 2009. IG11 7PS is located within the London Travel To Work Area. NHS Services in this postcode are provided by the Barking and Dagenham Primary Care Trust. The 2011 Census Output Area for this postcode is classified as 'Ethnicity central, Endeavouring ethnic mix, Multi-ethnic professional service workers'. IG11 7PS has an Index of Multiple Deprivation of 6900.

Census 2021

Data shown is for the 2021 Census Output Area for IG11 7PS

IndianOther WhiteBritishAfricanBangladeshiPakistaniOtherChineseOther BlackOther AsianOther MixedCaribbeanWhite and AsianWhite and Black CaribbeanIrishRomaArab102572824221186633222221
Source: Office for National Statistics. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Left arrow icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Deprivation Index

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a UK measure that ranks areas based on multiple indicators of deprivation such as income, employment, health, education, housing, crime, and access to services. The IMD informs decisions and helps allocate resources to reduce poverty and improve life chances.

Created with Raphaël 2.1.26900.00LOW132844

The lower the score (out of 32844 in England), the more deprived the postcode.

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0


Crime counts within 200 Metres of IG11 7PS in January 2025

Shoplifting 26
Violent Crime 21
Anti Social Behaviour 20
Theft From The Person 16
Other Theft 11
Drugs 7
Public Order 6
Burglary 5
Criminal Damage Arson 4
Robbery 4
Vehicle Crime 3
Possession Of Weapons 1
Other Crime 1
Source: This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Sold Property Prices

101, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
25/03/2014 £187000
09/09/2009 £150000
102, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/09/2009 £120000
103, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
12/01/2016 £207000
03/03/2009 £170000
104, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/08/2013 £125000
10/12/2008 £185000
105, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
20/04/2010 £120000
106, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
12/12/2008 £195000
107, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
05/02/2018 £238000
07/01/2009 £155250
108, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/09/2009 £170000
109, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
13/08/2009 £174500
110, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
11/08/2020 £215000
07/08/2017 £232500
28/01/2009 £160000
111, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
15/07/2016 £230000
08/01/2009 £155375
112, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/12/2008 £182500
201, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
15/05/2015 £220000
01/09/2009 £175000
202, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/11/2009 £120000
18/09/2009 £122270
203, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
14/04/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £122270
204, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/07/2009 £139995
205, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/11/2016 £222000
12/12/2008 £172500
206, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/03/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £122270
207, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/12/2008 £182500
208, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/02/2014 £173000
21/09/2009 £173500
18/09/2009 £117905
209, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
14/09/2009 £174000
210, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/08/2009 £130000
211, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
12/12/2008 £175000
212, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
11/09/2015 £195000
08/12/2008 £175000
301, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/09/2009 £150000
302, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/11/2017 £223000
16/12/2008 £163000
303, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/09/2017 £230000
17/07/2009 £145000
304, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/07/2017 £230000
17/07/2009 £145000
305, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/02/2020 £210000
08/12/2008 £180000
306, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/08/2009 £142000
307, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/11/2009 £120000
18/09/2009 £122270
308, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
13/11/2014 £219950
25/11/2009 £165000
18/09/2009 £122270
309, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/04/2016 £273000
25/03/2009 £226950
310, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/08/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £122270
311, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/08/2009 £144750
312, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
13/08/2009 £140000
401, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/07/2012 £172000
402, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
16/12/2008 £182500
403, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
16/01/2017 £235000
18/12/2008 £172375
404, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
19/08/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £122270
405, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
13/01/2009 £177500
406, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/02/2019 £215000
08/12/2008 £182500
408, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
09/05/2014 £180000
21/09/2009 £175000
18/09/2009 £122270
409, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
09/12/2016 £277500
09/09/2009 £160000
410, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/06/2009 £144000
411, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
09/09/2009 £140000
412, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/08/2009 £148000
501, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/02/2019 £275000
31/07/2009 £175000
502, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/08/2016 £233000
08/12/2008 £180000
503, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/08/2010 £125000
18/09/2009 £122270
504, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/04/2010 £135000
18/09/2009 £122270
505, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
09/09/2009 £144000
506, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
25/05/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £122270
507, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
16/03/2016 £220000
09/09/2009 £135000
509, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
08/12/2008 £241530
510, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/06/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £117905
511, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/09/2015 £187000
10/09/2009 £120000
512, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
16/07/2009 £142000
601, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/05/2018 £270500
16/01/2009 £247750
602, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
25/10/2017 £229000
18/12/2008 £188000
603, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/05/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £117905
604, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
16/11/2012 £129000
17/05/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £117905
605, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
17/05/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £117905
606, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
05/01/2009 £175000
607, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/12/2008 £187500
608, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/09/2009 £170000
609, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/09/2009 £179995
610, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
09/09/2009 £125000
611, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/08/2009 £145000
612, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/09/2015 £185000
09/09/2009 £120000
701, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/10/2014 £220000
04/09/2009 £177000
702, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/04/2013 £142000
11/06/2010 £125000
18/09/2009 £117905
703, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/05/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £117905
704, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
21/05/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £117905
705, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/09/2009 £117905
706, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/09/2009 £145000
707, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
05/07/2018 £230000
15/11/2013 £145000
10/09/2009 £125000
709, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/07/2021 £180001
09/06/2017 £292500
08/12/2008 £266999
710, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/03/2016 £225000
08/12/2008 £182500
711, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
08/12/2008 £182500
712, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/09/2009 £140000
801, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/05/2018 £255000
23/12/2008 £250000
802, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/03/2009 £180000
803, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
12/12/2014 £157000
11/05/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £117905
804, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/04/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £117905
805, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/05/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £117905
806, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/05/2010 £120000
18/09/2009 £117905
807, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/12/2009 £148000
18/09/2009 £117905
808, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/06/2016 £282500
809, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
11/03/2016 £290000
810, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
08/12/2008 £180000
811, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
31/03/2016 £231050
08/12/2008 £180000
812, BATH HOUSE, 5 Arboretum place, Barking, IG11 7PS Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/06/2017 £220000
18/09/2015 £180000
16/07/2009 £155000
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Internet Speeds

Internet speeds available via a landline, cable or FTTP

Max Download

Created with Raphaël

Max Upload

Created with Raphaël

Median Download

Created with Raphaël

Median Upload

Created with Raphaël

Average Download

Created with Raphaël

Average Upload

Created with Raphaël
Source: Ofcom Connected Nations 2023. Contains information licensed by the Office of Communications.

ONS Codes

Country England E92000001
Electoral Division Abbey E05014053
Local Authority District Barking & Dagenham and Havering E09000002
Parish or Community Barking and Dagenham, unparished area E43000192
Urban/Rural Indicator (England/Wales) Urban major conurbation A1
NHS Region London E40000003
Region London E12000007
Constituency Barking E14001073
Travel To Work Area London E30000234
Primary Care Trust Barking and Dagenham E16000009
Census 2011 LSOA Barking and Dagenham 015C E01000010
Census 2011 MSOA Barking and Dagenham 015 E02000016
Builtup Area Barking and Dagenham E63011973
Sub-ICB Location NHS North East London CCG E38000255
Police Force Area Metropolitan Police E23000001
Cancer Alliance North East London E56000028
Integrated Care Board East London Health and Care Partnership E54000029
Local Learning And Skills Region London East E24000015
National Park England (non-National Park) E65000001
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2022
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2022
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0


Latitude 51.536804
Longitude 0.07941
Easting 544315
Northing 184038
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2022

Train Stations

Station Name Distance
Barking 0.23 Miles
Ilford 1.61 Miles
Woodgrange Park 1.69 Miles
Manor Park 1.81 Miles
Seven Kings 2.01 Miles
Goodmayes 2.43 Miles
Wanstead Park 2.55 Miles
Forest Gate 2.57 Miles
Newbury Park 2.73 Miles
Dagenham Dock 2.91 Miles
Source: Trainline EU - licensed under The Open Database License (ODbL)

Bus Stops

Stop Name Location Distance
Vicarage Field Shopping Centre Barking 0.06 Miles
Barking Town Centre Barking 0.10 Miles
Sunningdale Avenue (IG11) Barking 0.12 Miles
Broadway Theatre Barking 0.12 Miles
Barking Abbey Barking 0.14 Miles
Abbey Sports Centre Barking 0.14 Miles
North Street Barking 0.18 Miles
Barking Station Barking 0.19 Miles
Barking Underground Station Barking 0.19 Miles
Barking Rail Station Barking 0.20 Miles
Source: NaPTAN. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.


School Distance
Northbury Primary School
0.17 Miles
St Margarets CofE Primary School
0.18 Miles
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
0.19 Miles
Gascoigne Primary School
0.30 Miles
Greatfields School
0.31 Miles
Northstar New School
The Shaftesburys
0.33 Miles
Frobel Independent School
0.37 Miles
Greatfields Primary School
0.41 Miles
Ripple Primary School
0.46 Miles
Al Madina School for Girls
2 (Annex Building)
0.52 Miles
Eastbury Community School
0.61 Miles
Langdon Academy
All-through , East Ham
0.68 Miles
Source : 'Get information about schools' - This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.