12 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Unknown, Freehold
Date | Price |
15/11/2016 | £11165000 |
28/03/2002 | £245000 |
18 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
28/05/2010 | £350000 |
19 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Semi, Freehold
Date | Price |
24/02/2023 | £425000 |
02/06/2016 | £335000 |
04/12/2002 | £170000 |
2 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
01/10/2003 | £120000 |
20 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
22/01/1996 | £150000 |
23 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
13/12/2002 | £336000 |
25 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Semi, Freehold
Date | Price |
07/07/2008 | £140000 |
31/03/1999 | £98000 |
26 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
30/07/2004 | £46000 |
30 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
15/07/2022 | £280000 |
30/04/2021 | £272500 |
27/02/2015 | £130000 |
28/08/2014 | £175000 |
35 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
18/04/1997 | £130755 |
36 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
05/07/2001 | £139000 |
20/03/1997 | £103000 |
37 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
11/08/2023 | £325000 |
11/11/1996 | £60000 |
29/02/1996 | £58500 |
39 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
17/03/2023 | £335000 |
30/06/2021 | £290000 |
14/03/2014 | £208500 |
23/02/2007 | £224950 |
17/12/2003 | £180000 |
30/08/1996 | £78500 |
4 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
03/09/2004 | £165000 |
43 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
27/07/1999 | £118250 |
12/08/1997 | £95000 |
44 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
20/06/2017 | £250000 |
25/06/2004 | £175000 |
45 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Semi, Freehold
Date | Price |
19/11/2002 | £150000 |
47 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
15/10/1999 | £153000 |
12/06/1998 | £145000 |
50 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
25/08/2004 | £159000 |
22/05/2000 | £38000 |
52 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
16/01/1995 | £220000 |
53 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
25/09/2015 | £338000 |
21/06/2002 | £230000 |
54 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
04/01/2017 | £645000 |
28/07/2004 | £495000 |
19/05/1997 | £191000 |
55 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Semi, Freehold
Date | Price |
06/10/2004 | £240000 |
03/11/2000 | £126850 |
6 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
15/07/2022 | £270000 |
28/09/2001 | £78500 |
29/07/1997 | £52500 |
80 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
18/10/2002 | £247000 |
16/09/1998 | £125000 |
12/02/1997 | £111000 |
BRANT BROUGHTON HOUSE High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Unknown, Freehold
Date | Price |
15/11/2016 | £11165000 |
HAZY HILLS, 38 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
08/10/2020 | £420000 |
13/04/2012 | £214000 |
ROSE COTTAGE, 40 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
23/08/2013 | £400000 |
SCHOOL HOUSE, 27 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Semi, Freehold
Date | Price |
17/02/2017 | £325000 |
17/08/2015 | £275000 |
The barn, FREDERICKS FARMYARD , Oakwood drive, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
15/05/2001 | £68000 |
THE BOTHY, 19A High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Unknown, Freehold
Date | Price |
04/04/2018 | £78500 |
12/07/1999 | £75000 |
THE HOLLIES, 52 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
24/03/2016 | £590000 |
THE NOOK, 46 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Terrace, Freehold
Date | Price |
23/09/2022 | £250000 |
18/09/2014 | £154950 |
21/12/2010 | £133300 |
30/11/2007 | £149000 |
10/11/2003 | £90000 |
THE OLD SCHOOLHOUSE, 27 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Semi, Freehold
Date | Price |
05/04/2002 | £169500 |
24/02/1995 | £85000 |
THE OLD STABLES, 32 High street, Brant broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SL Detached, Freehold
Date | Price |
07/07/2023 | £615000 |
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.