001, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
05/11/2015 | £67495 |
002, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
004, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
101, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
104, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
13/11/2015 | £59995 |
106, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
23/11/2015 | £63495 |
107, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
21/04/2023 | £32500 |
21/04/2023 | £32500 |
15/07/2019 | £27500 |
16/11/2015 | £64995 |
108, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
13/11/2015 | £64995 |
15 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Unknown, Freehold
Date | Price |
08/03/2019 | £1642500 |
201, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
27/11/2015 | £64995 |
203, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
204, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
205, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
206, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
29/09/2023 | £12000 |
30/10/2015 | £67495 |
207, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
31/03/2022 | £36000 |
01/12/2015 | £64995 |
208, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
02/11/2015 | £64995 |
209, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Unknown, Leasehold
Date | Price |
15/01/2020 | £67495 |
27/11/2015 | £67495 |
25 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Unknown, Freehold
Date | Price |
24/11/2020 | £785000 |
301, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/11/2015 | £64995 |
302, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
23/11/2015 | £63495 |
303, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
304, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
305, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
306, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
28/01/2022 | £29000 |
25/11/2015 | £67495 |
307, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
29/10/2015 | £64995 |
308, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
22/12/2015 | £64995 |
309, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
23/11/2015 | £67495 |
401, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
23/11/2015 | £63495 |
402, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
06/12/2015 | £64995 |
404, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
405, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
406, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
13/11/2015 | £67495 |
407, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
28/01/2016 | £64995 |
408, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
23/11/2015 | £64995 |
409, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Unknown, Leasehold
Date | Price |
06/01/2016 | £67495 |
501, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/11/2015 | £64995 |
502, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
21/01/2016 | £64995 |
503, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
22/02/2016 | £64995 |
504, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/10/2015 | £63495 |
505, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
23/11/2015 | £64995 |
506, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
25/11/2015 | £67495 |
507, STANLEY COURT 19-23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
22/02/2016 | £64995 |
508, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
28/10/2015 | £64995 |
509, STANLEY COURT, 19 - 23 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/11/2015 | £67495 |
Apartment 101, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
08/01/2020 | £75000 |
Apartment 102, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
08/01/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 103, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
08/01/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 104, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
28/01/2020 | £87000 |
Apartment 105, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
08/01/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 106, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
08/01/2020 | £75000 |
Apartment 107, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/12/2019 | £72500 |
Apartment 108, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/12/2019 | £72500 |
Apartment 109, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
07/01/2020 | £72500 |
Apartment 110, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/12/2019 | £72500 |
Apartment 201, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
10/03/2020 | £75000 |
Apartment 202, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
29/01/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 203, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
04/03/2020 | £87100 |
Apartment 204, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
10/03/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 205, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
04/03/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 206, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/12/2019 | £75000 |
Apartment 207, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
10/03/2020 | £72500 |
Apartment 208, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
10/03/2020 | £72500 |
Apartment 209, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
03/05/2023 | £65000 |
02/03/2020 | £79500 |
Apartment 210, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/12/2019 | £72500 |
Apartment 302, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
01/07/2020 | £89500 |
Apartment 303, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
12/02/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 304, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/12/2019 | £82500 |
Apartment 305, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
08/01/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 306, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/03/2020 | £70000 |
Apartment 307, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/12/2019 | £72500 |
Apartment 308, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
08/07/2020 | £89995 |
Apartment 309, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
18/05/2020 | £72500 |
Apartment 310, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
14/02/2020 | £79500 |
Apartment 401, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
15/01/2020 | £75000 |
Apartment 402, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
06/03/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 403, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
04/03/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 404, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/12/2019 | £82500 |
Apartment 405, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
07/01/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 406, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/12/2019 | £77500 |
Apartment 407, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
29/01/2020 | £77500 |
Apartment 408, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/12/2019 | £72500 |
Apartment 409, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
19/12/2019 | £79500 |
Apartment 410, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
24/01/2020 | £77500 |
Apartment 501, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
12/03/2020 | £75000 |
Apartment 502, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
04/03/2020 | £79600 |
Apartment 503, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
04/03/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 504, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
15/01/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 505, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
15/01/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment 506, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
07/01/2020 | £70000 |
Apartment 507, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
28/02/2020 | £84500 |
Apartment 508, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
04/05/2020 | £72500 |
Apartment 509, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
04/05/2020 | £72500 |
Apartment 510, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
28/07/2020 | £89500 |
Apartment 601, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
14/05/2020 | £72500 |
Apartment 602, VINCENT HOUSE,, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/04/2020 | £62500 |
Apartment 603, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
17/03/2020 | £62500 |
Apartment 604, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
15/05/2020 | £99500 |
Apartment 605, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
26/05/2020 | £99500 |
Apartment 606, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
26/05/2020 | £99500 |
Apartment gf01, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
14/02/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment gf02, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
12/02/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment gf03, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
12/02/2020 | £82500 |
Apartment gf04, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
22/05/2020 | £87500 |
Apartment gf05, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
13/03/2020 | £72500 |
Apartment gf06, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
13/03/2020 | £72500 |
Apartment gf07, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
13/03/2020 | £72500 |
Apartment gf08, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
13/03/2020 | £72500 |
Apartment gf09, VINCENT HOUSE, 15 - 17 Stanley street, Liverpool, L1 6AA Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
14/02/2020 | £85000 |
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.