Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY

Jesse hartley way is a street located in Liverpool, with a postcode of L3 0AY. There have been 91 property transactions in this postcode since 1995, with 69 unique properties. The most common property type in this street is flat. The most recent sale was on Thursday, 1 February 2024 at PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way which sold for £229995. There are 10 nearby train stations, 10 nearby bus stops and 8 nearby schools. L3 0AY postcode was first in introduced in May 2020. L3 0AY is located within the Liverpool Travel To Work Area. NHS Services in this postcode are provided by the Liverpool Primary Care Trust. The 2011 Census Output Area for this postcode is classified as 'Cosmopolitans, Comfortable cosmopolitan, Professional service cosmopolitans'. L3 0AY has an Index of Multiple Deprivation of 3937.

Census 2021

Data shown is for the 2021 Census Output Area for L3 0AY

BritishOther WhiteArabIndianIrishAfricanOther MixedChineseOther AsianCaribbeanWhite and Black CaribbeanPakistaniOther BlackWhite and Black AfricanRomaOther2073319161566533321111
Source: Office for National Statistics. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Left arrow icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Deprivation Index

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a UK measure that ranks areas based on multiple indicators of deprivation such as income, employment, health, education, housing, crime, and access to services. The IMD informs decisions and helps allocate resources to reduce poverty and improve life chances.

Created with Raphaël 2.1.23937.00LOW132844

The lower the score (out of 32844 in England), the more deprived the postcode.

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0



Source: This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Sold Property Prices

Apartment 101, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/04/2020 £205045
Apartment 102, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/06/2020 £205045
Apartment 103, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
12/03/2021 £205045
Apartment 104, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/05/2020 £211902
01/05/2020 £211902
Apartment 105, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
05/06/2020 £216700
05/06/2020 £216700
Apartment 106, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
19/05/2021 £196615
19/05/2020 £196615
Apartment 107, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/10/2020 £126720
Apartment 108, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
17/07/2020 £140828
17/07/2020 £140828
Apartment 109, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/07/2020 £140828
Apartment 201, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/04/2020 £139904
28/04/2020 £139904
Apartment 202, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
12/03/2021 £207102
Apartment 203, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/06/2020 £207102
Apartment 204, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/05/2020 £207102
Apartment 205, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/02/2024 £229995
01/05/2020 £212588
01/05/2020 £212588
Apartment 206, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/05/2020 £207212
Apartment 207, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/09/2020 £209159
Apartment 208, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/08/2020 £140828
Apartment 209, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/05/2020 £135455
06/05/2020 £135455
06/05/2020 £135455
Apartment 210, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/05/2022 £145000
20/05/2020 £131266
Apartment 301, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
15/05/2020 £137844
Apartment 302, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/05/2020 £209159
Apartment 303, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/06/2020 £209159
Apartment 304, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/06/2020 £209159
Apartment 305, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/05/2020 £209600
Apartment 306, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/04/2020 £220459
Apartment 307, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/06/2020 £212588
Apartment 308, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/08/2020 £135455
Apartment 309, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/05/2020 £120749
Apartment 310, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/07/2020 £137641
Apartment 401, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/05/2020 £147754
29/05/2020 £147754
Apartment 402, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/04/2020 £218760
Apartment 403, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/08/2020 £218760
Apartment 404, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/06/2020 £218760
Apartment 405, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/05/2020 £222189
Apartment 406, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/06/2020 £220817
Apartment 407, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/09/2020 £205000
Apartment 408, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/06/2020 £147293
26/06/2020 £147293
Apartment 409, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
17/06/2020 £135952
17/06/2020 £145952
Apartment 410, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/07/2020 £129149
23/07/2020 £129149
Apartment 501, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/07/2020 £145051
Apartment 502, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/05/2020 £220132
Apartment 503, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/05/2020 £220132
04/05/2020 £220132
04/05/2020 £220132
Apartment 504, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/06/2020 £220132
Apartment 505, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/04/2020 £238560
Apartment 506, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/07/2020 £222189
Apartment 507, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/04/2020 £220132
Apartment 508, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/11/2020 £148216
Apartment 509, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/05/2020 £146853
Apartment 510, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/06/2020 £150524
Apartment 602, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
02/07/2020 £221503
Apartment 603, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
02/07/2020 £221503
Apartment 604, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
02/07/2020 £221503
Apartment 605, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
08/08/2022 £250000
01/05/2020 £224932
Apartment 606, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/07/2020 £223560
Apartment 607, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/05/2020 £221503
Apartment 608, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/04/2020 £149140
28/04/2020 £144490
Apartment 609, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/06/2020 £151448
Apartment 610, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/07/2020 £151448
Apartment 701, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/05/2020 £146853
Apartment 702, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
02/07/2020 £237875
Apartment 703, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
02/07/2020 £222875
Apartment 704, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
02/07/2020 £222875
Apartment 705, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/04/2020 £226303
Apartment 706, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
31/03/2021 £237875
31/03/2021 £236000
16/08/2019 £213685
Apartment 707, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/02/2021 £237875
26/02/2021 £237875
02/07/2020 £237875
Apartment 708, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
09/07/2020 £150062
Apartment 709, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
11/05/2020 £147000
Apartment 710, PARK CENTRAL, 11 Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/08/2020 £148655
Ground floor retail unit, 11A Jesse hartley way, Liverpool, L3 0AY Unknown, Leasehold
Date Price
20/05/2020 £225000
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

ONS Codes

Country England E92000001
Electoral Division Waterfront North E05015332
Local Authority District Liverpool E08000012
Parish or Community Liverpool, unparished area E43000166
Urban/Rural Indicator (England/Wales) Urban major conurbation A1
NHS Region North West E40000010
Region North West E12000002
Constituency Liverpool Riverside E14001338
Travel To Work Area Liverpool E30000233
Primary Care Trust Liverpool E16000092
Census 2011 LSOA Liverpool 062A E01033751
Census 2011 MSOA Liverpool 062 E02006934
Builtup Area Liverpool E63008477
Sub-ICB Location NHS Liverpool CCG E38000101
Police Force Area Merseyside E23000004
Cancer Alliance Cheshire and Merseyside E56000005
Integrated Care Board Cheshire and Merseyside E54000008
Local Learning And Skills Region Greater Merseyside E24000023
National Park England (non-National Park) E65000001
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2022
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2022
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0


Latitude 53.41563
Longitude -3.001508
Easting 333532
Northing 391446
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2022

Train Stations

Station Name Distance
Moorfields 0.71 Miles
James Street 0.85 Miles
Sandhills 1.08 Miles
Liverpool Lime Street 1.14 Miles
Liverpool Central 1.21 Miles
Birkenhead Hamilton Square 1.53 Miles
Bank Hall 1.61 Miles
Kirkdale 1.94 Miles
Birkenhead Park 2.00 Miles
Birkenhead Central 2.05 Miles
Source: Trainline EU - licensed under The Open Database License (ODbL)

Bus Stops

Stop Name Location Distance
Vandries Street Vauxhall 0.10 Miles
Isle of Man Ferry Terminal Vauxhall 0.14 Miles
Galton Street Vauxhall 0.18 Miles
Sprainger Street Vauxhall 0.23 Miles
Greenock Street Vauxhall 0.24 Miles
Paisley Street Vauxhall 0.26 Miles
Roberts Street Vauxhall 0.26 Miles
Leeds Street Vauxhall 0.26 Miles
Upper William Street Vauxhall 0.29 Miles
Dublin Street Vauxhall 0.29 Miles
Source: NaPTAN. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.


School Distance
The Trinity Catholic Academy
Primary , Vauxhall
0.64 Miles
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
0.74 Miles
Millstead School
1.02 Miles
Notre Dame Catholic Academy
1.17 Miles
The City of Liverpool College
16 plus
1.40 Miles
Liverpool John Moores University
2 Rodney Street
1.43 Miles
IMPACT Northwest Schools
Tower Road
1.48 Miles
North Liverpool Academy
1.48 Miles
Source : 'Get information about schools' - This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.