10 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Terrace, Leasehold
Date | Price |
24/03/2006 | £132995 |
11 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Detached, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/03/2016 | £177500 |
21/12/2006 | £209950 |
12 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Terrace, Leasehold
Date | Price |
29/07/2016 | £111000 |
28/03/2006 | £112040 |
14 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Terrace, Leasehold
Date | Price |
19/12/2019 | £163000 |
10/03/2006 | £139995 |
15 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Detached, Leasehold
Date | Price |
27/10/2006 | £225000 |
16 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Terrace, Leasehold
Date | Price |
29/09/2023 | £181500 |
16/12/2019 | £163000 |
28/07/2017 | £144000 |
06/03/2006 | £125995 |
17 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Detached, Leasehold
Date | Price |
27/10/2006 | £209950 |
18 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Terrace, Leasehold
Date | Price |
31/01/2020 | £134000 |
18/04/2008 | £129950 |
24/02/2006 | £117495 |
19 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
10/01/2007 | £234950 |
2 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Semi, Leasehold
Date | Price |
06/01/2021 | £144000 |
28/09/2007 | £147000 |
20 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Terrace, Leasehold
Date | Price |
31/01/2020 | £145000 |
09/02/2006 | £131595 |
21 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Detached, Leasehold
Date | Price |
15/12/2006 | £213750 |
22 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Terrace, Leasehold
Date | Price |
21/07/2011 | £146500 |
27/10/2006 | £157500 |
23 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Detached, Leasehold
Date | Price |
15/12/2006 | £249950 |
24 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Semi, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/03/2024 | £205000 |
18/11/2016 | £124000 |
13/08/2007 | £123000 |
25/11/2005 | £107500 |
25 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Detached, Leasehold
Date | Price |
01/09/2006 | £240000 |
26 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Semi, Leasehold
Date | Price |
09/10/2007 | £198500 |
28/10/2005 | £197500 |
27 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Detached, Leasehold
Date | Price |
22/06/2006 | £209950 |
28 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
28/10/2005 | £204950 |
4 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Terrace, Leasehold
Date | Price |
23/06/2006 | £145999 |
5 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Detached, Leasehold
Date | Price |
26/11/2012 | £195000 |
29/09/2006 | £214950 |
6 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Terrace, Leasehold
Date | Price |
28/03/2006 | £125995 |
7 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Detached, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/04/2021 | £288000 |
18/08/2014 | £184000 |
30/11/2007 | £240000 |
29/09/2006 | £225000 |
8 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Semi, Leasehold
Date | Price |
10/08/2007 | £156746 |
9 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Detached, Leasehold
Date | Price |
20/11/2020 | £275000 |
12/10/2006 | £214950 |
Flat 1, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
15/10/2023 | £97500 |
16/01/2006 | £84950 |
Flat 1, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
22/12/2005 | £84950 |
Flat 10, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
04/03/2022 | £85500 |
19/12/2018 | £65000 |
09/02/2007 | £87000 |
20/01/2006 | £85950 |
Flat 10, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
16/12/2005 | £109950 |
Flat 11, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
22/12/2005 | £95500 |
Flat 11, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
16/12/2005 | £109950 |
Flat 12, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
04/12/2006 | £85500 |
22/12/2005 | £84950 |
Flat 12, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
19/12/2005 | £92950 |
Flat 14, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
22/01/2016 | £72000 |
21/12/2005 | £94950 |
Flat 14, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
05/12/2022 | £90000 |
26/11/2020 | £73500 |
30/01/2017 | £67000 |
16/12/2005 | £89950 |
Flat 15, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
07/01/2019 | £69500 |
23/12/2005 | £91500 |
Flat 15, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
04/03/2024 | £125000 |
12/12/2005 | £109950 |
Flat 16, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
30/04/2020 | £80000 |
09/06/2017 | £72500 |
22/12/2005 | £110000 |
Flat 16, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
16/12/2005 | £109950 |
Flat 17, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
03/02/2023 | £85000 |
17/07/2008 | £82380 |
22/12/2005 | £91500 |
Flat 17, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
21/12/2005 | £94950 |
Flat 2, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
22/12/2005 | £84950 |
Flat 2, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
01/06/2020 | £90000 |
16/12/2005 | £109950 |
Flat 3, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
31/07/2012 | £54500 |
15/12/2005 | £102500 |
Flat 3, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
13/12/2005 | £109950 |
Flat 4, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
21/12/2005 | £84950 |
Flat 4, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
13/10/2023 | £93000 |
14/12/2005 | £89950 |
Flat 5, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
23/08/2024 | £100000 |
21/12/2005 | £97500 |
Flat 5, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
07/03/2022 | £93000 |
19/12/2005 | £89950 |
Flat 6, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
23/12/2005 | £80950 |
Flat 6, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
19/12/2005 | £105950 |
Flat 7, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
23/12/2005 | £93500 |
Flat 7, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
22/09/2006 | £115000 |
16/12/2005 | £109950 |
Flat 8, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
14/05/2018 | £69950 |
23/11/2007 | £94500 |
22/12/2005 | £84950 |
Flat 8, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
21/12/2005 | £98950 |
Flat 9, THE OAKS, 1 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
26/10/2007 | £97750 |
04/01/2006 | £87950 |
Flat 9, THE PINES, 3 Ainsbrook avenue, Manchester, M9 7FJ Flat, Leasehold
Date | Price |
21/05/2019 | £69950 |
20/12/2005 | £94950 |
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.