Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ

Walworth road is a street located in London, with a postcode of SE17 1FZ. There have been 100 property transactions in this postcode since 1995, with 97 unique properties. The most common property type in this street is flat. The most recent sale was on Friday, 9 September 2022 at WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road which sold for £845000. The average broadband download speed is 367.60 mbps. There are 10 nearby train stations, 10 nearby bus stops and 12 nearby schools. SE17 1FZ postcode was first in introduced in July 2018. SE17 1FZ is located within the London Travel To Work Area. NHS Services in this postcode are provided by the Southwark Primary Care Trust. The 2011 Census Output Area for this postcode is classified as 'Ethnicity central, Aspirational techies, Old EU tech workers'. SE17 1FZ has an Index of Multiple Deprivation of 5242.

Census 2021

Data shown is for the 2021 Census Output Area for SE17 1FZ

ChineseBritishOther WhiteOtherOther AsianAfricanIrishOther MixedOther BlackWhite and AsianRomaIndianPakistaniWhite and Black AfricanArab706149764432221111
Source: Office for National Statistics. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Left arrow icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Deprivation Index

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a UK measure that ranks areas based on multiple indicators of deprivation such as income, employment, health, education, housing, crime, and access to services. The IMD informs decisions and helps allocate resources to reduce poverty and improve life chances.

Created with Raphaël 2.1.25242.00LOW132844

The lower the score (out of 32844 in England), the more deprived the postcode.

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0



Source: data.police.uk. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Sold Property Prices

Apartment 1001, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/11/2018 £536750
Apartment 1002, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
21/11/2018 £905600
Apartment 1003, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
20/11/2018 £825550
Apartment 1004, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/11/2018 £546140
Apartment 1005, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
19/07/2019 £821500
Apartment 1006, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/08/2022 £845000
Apartment 101, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/11/2018 £750000
Apartment 102, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/12/2018 £752867
Apartment 103, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
14/08/2019 £487000
30/11/2018 £485450
Apartment 104, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
05/12/2018 £741345
Apartment 105, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/11/2018 £754500
Apartment 1101, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
21/11/2018 £540550
Apartment 1102, WALTON HEIGHTS Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/11/2018 £866760
Apartment 1103, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/11/2018 £830342
Apartment 1104, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
14/12/2018 £556700
Apartment 1105, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
05/06/2020 £836000
Apartment 1106, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
13/04/2022 £877920
Apartment 1201, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
20/11/2018 £568560
Apartment 1202, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/11/2018 £841428
Apartment 1203, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/11/2019 £892400
01/11/2019 £892400
Apartment 1204, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/06/2020 £610000
Apartment 1205, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/03/2020 £843000
Apartment 1206, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/06/2022 £879520
Apartment 1301, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
20/11/2018 £551950
Apartment 1302, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
05/12/2018 £865230
Apartment 1303, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
17/05/2019 £850000
Apartment 1304, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/11/2018 £611100
Apartment 1305, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
01/06/2020 £837930
Apartment 1306, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/05/2022 £957400
Apartment 1401, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/12/2018 £568420
Apartment 1402, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
19/11/2018 £875735
Apartment 1403, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
09/09/2019 £862024
Apartment 1404, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
12/12/2018 £563230
Apartment 1405, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/12/2019 £861500
Apartment 1406, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/01/2022 £930000
Apartment 1501, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/11/2018 £591467
Apartment 1502, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
19/11/2018 £916556
Apartment 1503, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/11/2018 £899911
Apartment 1504, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/12/2018 £609451
Apartment 1506, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/05/2019 £908000
Apartment 1601, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/11/2018 £574080
Apartment 1602, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
20/12/2019 £853000
Apartment 1603, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/12/2018 £1039250
Apartment 1604, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
31/05/2019 £979746
Apartment 1605, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/09/2021 £924420
Apartment 1701, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/11/2018 £615950
Apartment 1702, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/01/2019 £1950000
Apartment 1703, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/06/2019 £1400000
Apartment 1704, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
20/08/2019 £945000
Apartment 201, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
21/11/2018 £513600
Apartment 202, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/01/2019 £750120
Apartment 203, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/12/2018 £736858
Apartment 204, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/11/2018 £480810
Apartment 205, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
14/12/2018 £702150
Apartment 206, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/12/2018 £762500
Apartment 301, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/11/2018 £504695
Apartment 302, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
19/11/2018 £758400
Apartment 303, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/02/2019 £725000
Apartment 304, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
19/11/2018 £504695
Apartment 305, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/11/2018 £745760
Apartment 306, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/11/2018 £760000
Apartment 401, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/11/2018 £495000
Apartment 402, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/11/2018 £765000
Apartment 403, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/11/2018 £777000
Apartment 404, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/12/2018 £542000
Apartment 405, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/12/2018 £771354
Apartment 406, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/12/2018 £773400
Apartment 501, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
21/11/2018 £515310
Apartment 502, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/11/2018 £805000
Apartment 503, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/11/2018 £780685
Apartment 504, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/12/2018 £521100
Apartment 505, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/03/2019 £750000
Apartment 506, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/11/2018 £778258
Apartment 601, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/11/2018 £521100
Apartment 602, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
25/01/2019 £795000
Apartment 603, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
09/09/2022 £845000
03/12/2018 £796370
Apartment 604, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/12/2018 £524160
Apartment 605, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/11/2018 £774525
Apartment 606, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
31/01/2019 £793700
Apartment 701, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/12/2018 £535080
Apartment 702, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/12/2018 £817578
Apartment 703, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/11/2018 £803845
Apartment 704, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/12/2018 £538162
Apartment 705, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/04/2019 £787564
Apartment 706, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/03/2019 £797527
Apartment 801, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/11/2018 £567450
Apartment 802, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/12/2018 £801360
Apartment 803, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
11/07/2019 £797527
Apartment 804, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/11/2018 £579000
Apartment 805, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/06/2019 £797527
Apartment 806, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/12/2018 £836000
Apartment 901, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
21/11/2018 £550000
Apartment 902, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
19/11/2018 £833230
Apartment 903, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/06/2019 £811500
Apartment 904, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/12/2018 £526400
Apartment 905, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/06/2019 £765000
Apartment 906, WALTON HEIGHTS, 143 Walworth road, London, SE17 1FZ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/06/2019 £810960
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Internet Speeds

Internet speeds available via a landline, cable or FTTP

Max Download

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2900.00Mbps01000

Max Upload

Created with Raphaël

Median Download

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2158.00Mbps01000

Median Upload

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2158.00Mbps0100

Average Download

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2367.60Mbps01000

Average Upload

Created with Raphaël
Source: Ofcom Connected Nations 2023. Contains information licensed by the Office of Communications.

ONS Codes

Country England E92000001
Electoral Division North Walworth E05011107
Local Authority District Lewisham and Southwark E09000028
Parish or Community Southwark, unparished area E43000218
Urban/Rural Indicator (England/Wales) Urban major conurbation A1
NHS Region London E40000003
Region London E12000007
Constituency Peckham E14001421
Travel To Work Area London E30000234
Primary Care Trust Southwark E16000059
Census 2011 LSOA Southwark 012F E01032722
Census 2011 MSOA Southwark 012 E02000818
Builtup Area Southwark E63012110
Sub-ICB Location NHS South East London CCG E38000244
Police Force Area Metropolitan Police E23000001
Cancer Alliance South East London E56000010
Integrated Care Board Our Healthier South East London E54000030
Local Learning And Skills Region London Central E24000014
National Park England (non-National Park) E65000001
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2022
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2022
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0


Latitude 51.491741
Longitude -0.097412
Easting 532181
Northing 178693
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2022

Train Stations

Station Name Distance
Elephant & Castle 0.19 Miles
London Waterloo 0.92 Miles
London Waterloo (East) 1.00 Miles
London Bridge 1.06 Miles
Vauxhall 1.22 Miles
London Cannon Street 1.33 Miles
London Blackfriars 1.34 Miles
London Fenchurch Street 1.56 Miles
City Thameslink 1.58 Miles
London Charing Cross 1.62 Miles
Source: Trainline EU - licensed under The Open Database License (ODbL)

Bus Stops

Stop Name Location Distance
Heygate Street Elephant & Castle 0.03 Miles
Elephant & Castle Station Elephant & Castle 0.05 Miles
Hampton Street Elephant & Castle 0.05 Miles
Elephant Park Elephant & Castle 0.06 Miles
Larcom Street Walworth 0.07 Miles
Elephant & Castle Rail Station Elephant & Castle 0.16 Miles
Newington Butts Newington 0.20 Miles
Rodney Place Newington 0.21 Miles
Elephant & Castle / New Kent Road Elephant & Castle 0.21 Miles
East Street Walworth 0.24 Miles
Source: NaPTAN. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.


School Distance
The Autism Project - CareTrade
0.08 Miles
Crampton Primary
Primary , Walworth
0.19 Miles
Victory Primary School
Primary , Rodney Road
0.21 Miles
Imperial Oak Preparatory School
0.22 Miles
Robert Browning Primary School
Primary , Walworth
0.24 Miles
London College of Printing & Distributive Trades
0.29 Miles
St Paul's Church of England Primary School
Primary , Walworth
0.38 Miles
English Martyrs' Roman Catholic Primary School
0.40 Miles
Ark Globe Academy
0.41 Miles
St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Primary , Walworth
0.42 Miles
South Bank University Academy
0.44 Miles
St Saviour's and St Olave's Church of England School
0.47 Miles
Source : 'Get information about schools' - This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.