Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ

Longfield avenue is a street located in London, with a postcode of W5 2BJ. There have been 119 property transactions in this postcode since 1995, with 93 unique properties. The most common property type in this street is flat. The most recent sale was on Friday, 5 July 2024 at DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue which sold for £745000. The average broadband download speed is 344.50 mbps. There are 10 nearby train stations, 10 nearby bus stops and 12 nearby schools. W5 2BJ postcode was first in introduced in June 2014. W5 2BJ is located within the London Travel To Work Area. NHS Services in this postcode are provided by the Ealing Primary Care Trust. The 2011 Census Output Area for this postcode is classified as 'Cosmopolitans, Inner city students, Multicultural student neighbourhood'. W5 2BJ has an Index of Multiple Deprivation of 11345.

Census 2021

Data shown is for the 2021 Census Output Area for W5 2BJ

Other AsianOther WhiteBritishIndianChineseOtherArabOther MixedIrishPakistaniAfricanWhite and AsianRomaBangladeshiCaribbean202133513332212087554211
Source: Office for National Statistics. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Left arrow icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Deprivation Index

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a UK measure that ranks areas based on multiple indicators of deprivation such as income, employment, health, education, housing, crime, and access to services. The IMD informs decisions and helps allocate resources to reduce poverty and improve life chances.

Created with Raphaël 2.1.211345.00MEDIUM132844

The lower the score (out of 32844 in England), the more deprived the postcode.

Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0



Source: data.police.uk. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Sold Property Prices

1 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
20/10/2014 £495000
10 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/10/2014 £522800
100 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
17/03/2015 £2270000
11 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/09/2021 £785000
03/10/2014 £559950
12 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/10/2014 £339950
13 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/10/2014 £453000
14 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/02/2020 £475000
17/02/2015 £450000
15 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
05/08/2016 £765000
03/10/2014 £475000
16 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/10/2014 £479950
17 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/10/2014 £250000
18 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
20/10/2014 £327950
19 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/11/2014 £344950
2 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
13/04/2016 £499000
16/10/2014 £339450
20 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/10/2014 £250000
21 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/10/2014 £312450
24 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/03/2016 £545000
29/10/2014 £310000
25 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/03/2021 £724500
29/10/2014 £470000
26 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
25/11/2014 £324950
27 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/10/2014 £514950
28 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/06/2021 £770000
31/10/2017 £770000
24/10/2014 £499999
29 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/10/2014 £325000
3 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/10/2014 £484950
30 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/12/2015 £515000
27/03/2015 £475000
27/10/2014 £329700
31 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/11/2014 £330000
32 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/10/2014 £350000
33 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/07/2015 £510000
30/10/2014 £397708
34 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/11/2014 £625000
35 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/04/2023 £800000
31/10/2014 £609950
36 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/12/2015 £575000
24/10/2014 £319950
37 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
07/11/2014 £458000
38 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/10/2014 £320000
39 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
05/07/2024 £745000
06/11/2014 £499950
4 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
14/10/2014 £479950
41 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/11/2014 £350000
42 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
12/11/2014 £334950
43 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
14/11/2014 £330000
45 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
22/07/2016 £475000
12/11/2014 £420000
46 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
31/10/2014 £654950
47 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
16/12/2020 £820000
03/11/2014 £571000
48 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
05/05/2015 £530000
19/11/2014 £390000
49 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
04/03/2015 £735000
25/11/2014 £478000
5 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
20/09/2019 £445000
09/10/2014 £250000
50 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
17/04/2020 £485000
21/11/2014 £320000
51 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
20/11/2014 £524950
52 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/11/2014 £480000
53 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/11/2014 £357000
54 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/11/2014 £337500
55 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/11/2014 £377950
56 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
21/11/2014 £364950
57 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
14/11/2014 £319950
58 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
25/08/2023 £1000000
20/11/2014 £637000
59 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/11/2014 £592500
6 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
02/10/2014 £322000
60 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
17/11/2014 £315000
61 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
19/01/2015 £490000
62 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
12/12/2014 £340000
63 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
03/03/2015 £495000
64 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
17/12/2014 £495000
65 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
17/04/2015 £342880
66 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
13/04/2015 £644950
67 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
30/04/2015 £382950
69 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/12/2014 £670000
7 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/10/2018 £550000
13/10/2014 £329950
70 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
17/12/2014 £599950
71 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
11/12/2014 £357450
72 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/01/2015 £767000
73 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
28/01/2015 £519950
74 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/01/2015 £569950
75 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/04/2015 £565000
76 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
24/04/2015 £674950
77 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
27/02/2015 £909950
78 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/02/2015 £860000
79 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
02/03/2015 £735000
8 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/10/2014 £250000
80 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/03/2024 £1376500
13/02/2015 £1100000
81 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
15/04/2015 £1100000
82 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
18/02/2015 £899950
85 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/03/2015 £1050000
86 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
09/04/2015 £864950
87 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
19/02/2015 £900000
88 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
02/03/2015 £890000
89 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
15/05/2015 £805000
9 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
06/10/2014 £330000
90 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
23/03/2015 £1075000
91 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/05/2015 £749950
92 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
20/03/2015 £1075000
93 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/03/2015 £960000
94 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
13/04/2015 £1200000
95 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
09/04/2015 £1190000
96 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
21/07/2023 £1760000
29/05/2015 £1350000
97 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
26/01/2024 £1275000
24/04/2015 £1090000
98 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
29/04/2015 £1250000
99 skyline house, DICKENS YARD Longfield avenue, London, W5 2BJ Flat, Leasehold
Date Price
10/07/2020 £2300000
01/06/2015 £1450000
Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2021. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Internet Speeds

Internet speeds available via a landline, cable or FTTP

Max Download

Created with Raphaël 2.1.21000.00Mbps01000

Max Upload

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2115.00Mbps0100

Median Download

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2158.00Mbps01000

Median Upload

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2158.00Mbps0100

Average Download

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2344.50Mbps01000

Average Upload

Created with Raphaël
Source: Ofcom Connected Nations 2023. Contains information licensed by the Office of Communications.

ONS Codes

Country England E92000001
Electoral Division Ealing Broadway E05013520
Local Authority District Ealing E09000009
Parish or Community Ealing, unparished area E43000199
Urban/Rural Indicator (England/Wales) Urban major conurbation A1
NHS Region London E40000003
Region London E12000007
Constituency Ealing Central and Acton E14001207
Travel To Work Area London E30000234
Primary Care Trust Ealing E16000035
Census 2011 LSOA Ealing 020A E01001221
Census 2011 MSOA Ealing 020 E02000257
Builtup Area Ealing E63012033
Sub-ICB Location NHS North West London CCG E38000256
Police Force Area Metropolitan Police E23000001
Cancer Alliance North West and South West London E56000021
Integrated Care Board North West London Health and Care Partnership E54000027
Local Learning And Skills Region London West E24000013
National Park England (non-National Park) E65000001
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2022
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2022
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0


Latitude 51.514012
Longitude -0.307222
Easting 517559
Northing 180812
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2022

Train Stations

Station Name Distance
Ealing Broadway 0.28 Miles
West Ealing 0.59 Miles
Ealing Common 0.87 Miles
Drayton Green 1.00 Miles
Castle Bar Park 1.21 Miles
Hanwell 1.35 Miles
Acton Main Line 1.71 Miles
Brentford 1.81 Miles
South Greenford 1.83 Miles
Kew Bridge 1.88 Miles
Source: Trainline EU - licensed under The Open Database License (ODbL)

Bus Stops

Stop Name Location Distance
Bond Street Ealing 0.08 Miles
Ealing Town Hall Ealing 0.08 Miles
Ealing / Christchurch Ealing 0.08 Miles
Longfield Avenue Ealing 0.11 Miles
Longfield Avenue Ealing Ealing 0.11 Miles
Haven Green Ealing 0.12 Miles
Ealing Broadway Centre Ealing 0.17 Miles
Eaton Rise Ealing 0.17 Miles
Ealing Broadway Station / Haven Green Ealing 0.17 Miles
Haven Green / Ealing Broadway Ealing 0.17 Miles
Source: NaPTAN. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.


School Distance
Christ the Saviour Church of England Primary School
Primary , Ealing Broadway
0.11 Miles
Ealing Independent College
0.12 Miles
Clifton Lodge School
0.19 Miles
Durston House School
0.20 Miles
Blooming Tree Primary School
0.40 Miles
St Benedict's School
0.47 Miles
University of West London
St Mary's Road
0.50 Miles
St Gregory's Catholic Primary School
Primary , Ealing
0.70 Miles
St John's Primary School
Primary , Green Man Gardens
0.70 Miles
Montpelier Primary School
Primary , Ealing
0.70 Miles
Drayton Green Primary School
Primary , West Ealing
0.70 Miles
Grange Primary School
Primary , Ealing
0.70 Miles
Source : 'Get information about schools' - This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.